Aste hontako promoetan… / This week promos…

Fold Hands, Lakeway, Yves Thomas, Moomin, Jaasroo, Acidgigi, Metrodome, e-garbage eta Dj Sofa-ren hurrengo lanak…

… eta askoz gehiago. /…and many more.


1.Fold Hands – Cathedral Of Trees (We Aura) out21mar

2. Lakeway – Limelight Junkie (1 More Thing) out20mar

3. Yves Thomas – Anonymous ft Trancer (Interlink) out2025mar

4. Moomin – Night Moves (Oath Creations) out28mar

5. Jaasroo – Sound (Extended) (Riotvan) out14mar

6. Acidgigi – Silly Dub (Flippen Bits) out20mar

7. Metrodome – Take Me To The Top (Heras) out14mar

8. e-garbage – sdz.html (Pulse Records) out15mar

9. Dj Sofa – Drums For The Lost (Beat Machine Records) out4apr

10. Maria Amor & Shcuro – Hotspring Love (Black Rave Culture Remix) (Paraíso, 2025)

11. The Woodleigh Research Facility & A. Weatherall & Nina Walsh – Cryptic Numeric (Facility 5, 2025)

12. Nusantara Beat – Sifat Manusia (Les Disques Bongo Joe, 2025)

13. Scratch Massive – You Can’t Hide ft. Jeanne Added (Carl Finlow Remix) (bORDEL, 2025)

14. TSVI & Dj Plead – Swanky (AD93, 2025)

15. Biosphere – Seti Project (Apollo, 1994)

16. Dj Hype – And Remember Folks (True Playaz, 1996)

17. The Prodigy – Voodoo People (Dust Brothers Mix) (XL Recordings, 1994)

#hausofbeats #txapairratia #arrosasarea #radioshow #irratsaioa #elektronikmusikataklubkultura #foldhands #lakeway #yvesthomas #moomin #jaasroo #acidgigi #metrodome #egarbage #djsofa #mariaamorandschuro #thewoodleighresearchfacility #nusantarabeat #scratchmassive #tsvianddjplead #biosphere #

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